
SEGi University has decided to invest in knowledge and expertise to succeed as per our five-year strategic R&D plan from 2016 – 2020. We are in the midst of integrating Education, Research and Innovation (ERI) to produce the best minds for the world. The university recognizes the need to equip the students with practical and industrial knowledge for employment purposes, but our mission does not end there. SEGi University prepares the students for their long-term career growth in a global environment, combining business, social, technology, and innovation skills to ensure their survival in a competitive environment. The development programme focuses on the recommendations and policies most important for the Malaysia National Development Plan.

SEGi University recognizes that this can only be achieved with an innovative and research-based workforce that supports quality, impact and specific outcomes in critical fields and niche areas. The university is prepared to develop innovative education in all sectors and enhance students’ research skills within the national innovation system. The strategy also aims to train lecturers and supervisors and provision well-equipped resources to encourage and nurture innovation and innovative thinking in a transformational journey that would empower the standards of SEGian’s educators and students across the nation. 

A major benefit expected from this integration is equipping students and academics with strong research and innovation skills that enable them in the medium and long term to make real contributions to education, industry, and commerce in particular, and the job market in general. A further result will be for us to position Malaysia on the world map for R&D contributions.


To be the premier R&D hub offering quality and innovative research based on international standards with accessible terms, delivered through the most innovative technologies and research-centric learning techniques.

Research and Innovation – Sustainability key to the wellbeing of SEGi University

Establishing a ‘research informed’ teaching university through an integrated system

Research work and strategy give an impact to society and the nation

Supporting multidisciplinary research with strong international collaboration is crucial

“Research-to-Revenue” (R2R) mindset to build sustainability funding for the university and researchers.

Strategic Goals

Within the context of its new five-year mission, the University has developed and adopted six strategic goals.

Strategic Goal 1

Attract, Recruit and Retaining Research Talent

Strategic Goal 2

Boosting multidisciplinary research through: 

  • High Impact Publications 
  • Research Units and Centres 
  • Commercialisation and Consultancy Activities

Strategic Goal 3

Increase and Diversify R&D funding resources

Strategic Goal 4

Establishing “Research Partnership Network (RPN) for expert grooming and global positioning strategy

Strategic Goal 5

Strengthening support and assistance for researchers through strong engagement, monitoring and evaluation strategy.