
Mental health matters!

The COVID-19 pandemic and the new norms that have come about have affected all aspects of our day to day lives. Change can be difficult and these changes have disrupted our lives literally overnight. As mental health matters, especially in a crisis, the lecturers of the SEGi College Subang Jaya School of Psychology reached out...

SEGi wins silver medal in Virtual Innovation Competition 2020

Did you know that fall is one of the leading causes of fatal and non-fatal injuries among the elderly community? Timely treatment is critical where immediate treatment may reduce the risk of serious injuries. SEGi College Subang Jaya student, Koh Zheng Long, enrolled in the BA (Hons) Computing Programme in collaboration with University of Greenwich...

SEGi offers training to affected Hospitality & Tourism workers

The COVID-19 pandemic caused nations including Malaysia to implement immigration ban and border blockade, what was before a promising year had today turned into a survival battle for some in the travel industry. Malaysian Association of Hotels (MAH) CEO, Yap Lip Seng disclosed to The Edge that from January to June 2020, lodgings and hotels...

Early childhood practitioners: our unsung heroes!

August 2020; as we celebrate our 63rd Merdeka, we celebrate heroes who have fought hard and sacrificed for our country, one way or another. The COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t been easy for all, and we should celebrate Merdeka in thanksgiving for our fellow Malaysians who diligently fulfilled their responsibilities in serving the nation despite the pandemic....

8 reasons to start your college degree now!

“Aiyoh, COVID-19 now, maybe I should wait for this to end then only start my college degree lah… ” Sounds familiar? While the government has allowed Colleges and Universities to resume their intakes, many parents and students are still contemplating whether to start now or wait for later… Here are 8 reasons why we think...

SEGi partners MTUC to UPSKILL & RESKILL laid-off employees

SEGi Group of Colleges partnered with MTUC to assist unemployed Malaysians during this pandemic. SGC signed an MOU with MTUC on 15th July 2020 in SEGi College Subang Jaya. This MOU is to provide career assistance and guidance in the form of soft skills training, professional certifications, and counselling services to the members of the...
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